North American Claims Special - CTE
- 09/11/2017
Over 60 claims, underwriting and broking practitioners from the London Market gathered at 99 Bishopsgate on 9th November 2017 for a special LMForums event with a focus on legal developments in North America with the potential new industrial disease, Chronic Traumatic Encephaolopathy (CTE). This Club event was kindly sponsored by USA law firm, Freeborn & Peters.
Delegates heard from a panel of experts on some of the trends occurring stateside and then witnessed a mock arbitration involving five experienced professionals, including Ian Hunter QC, Pierre Charles and Jon Rosen. The arbitration centred around a dispute between a primary carrier stateside and a London based reinsurer. Delegates heard that there had been been both late notification of the loss (with no option for association) and the allocation of the settlement was concentrated over just a few years, instead of over a wider span of possible exposure.
Watch the video to see the outcome of arbitration, decided by Ian Hunter. Joe McCullough, Head of Insurance and Reinsurance Practice at Freeborn & Peters closed the session and delegates then enjoyed a networking drinks reception.
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