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LMForums brings together professionals from across the London Market to learn, network and debate the key business issues of the day. The club is open to anyone from the insurance community, who can attend numerous free events throughout the year, as well as have full access to our interactive website packed with technical information, video's and other media.
London Market Forums has two types of membership, Practitioner Member and Corporate Member.
If you are a practitioner working for an insurer, broker, MGA, MA, Lloyds of London, IUA, LIIBA, BIBA, the Regulator or other similar association then you are eligible to join for free and attend most events for free.
If you are a professional services firm or vendor supplying the industry then you may be eligible for Corporate Membership.

The North American Forum brings together practitioners from the London Insurance Market with professional services firms and experts from the USA and Canada.
The Forum is an ideal way to meet fellow professionals who have an interest in North American insurance business - irrespective of role or activity. The Forum will provide a platform for interaction, allowing members to learn, engage and grow their network.
The North American Forum has two types of membership, Practitioner Member and Professional Member.
The Forum will meet periodically throughout the year in the Old Library at Lloyd's and each event will have a theme/guest speaker of some kind, followed by social drinks. Most events are completely complementary also, to Practitioner members.