Robotic Process Automation in EC3
- 25/04/2017
Practitioners with an interest in process automation and the use of robotics in the London Insurance Market gathered on 25th April 2017 to hear from our two expert speakers, Pablo Luis de Pablo Martinez, CIO and Change Officer at Santander and Andrew Murphy, Global VP Technical Services at K2.
Practitioner Members of LMForums heard about Santander’s experience of implementing 300 robots in various parts of the business.The event was extremely popular and follows on from the RPA luncheon at Lloyd’s late in 2016. The session once again highlighted to real interest in the areas of RPA and AI in the London Market. From the moderated Roundtable Discussions at the event, it was estimated that 75% of the London Market participants had either already delivered some form of RPA project within their firm or were planning to do so soon.
Roger Oldham, Founder of LMForums announced that the Club was forming a Practice Group for those with an interest in the subject of RPA and AI and anyone interested in joining should contact them by email - info@lmforums.com
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