Technology Business Breakfast
- 22/11/2018
At this very popular business breakfast, kindly sponsored by Matssoft, operations, technology and business leaders from the London Market heard from Professor Roger Maull from the University of Exeter. Roger is a nationally recognised expert on the digital economy and spoke to the members who’d gathered for this LMForums Breakfast about some how technological developments are impacting the way the business sector is operating and thinking. In particular he spoke about the plethora of data that is now changing everything, especially that emanating from Internet of Things.
Our practitioner members also heard from Paul Bermingham of Advent Insurance Management, who gave a case study of a London market carrier who was experiencing issues who technology adoption due to their legacy book and data and how they’d overcome some of these issues, including looking at some of the emerging technologies coming out of the new world of insurtech. Matssoft’s CTO was also able to add some valuable insight based on their experience of working with the sector.
After a very interactive “open table” discussion, facilitated by Roger Oldham, the breakfast drew to a close. One of the key learning points was that whilst legacy is recognised as an issue for many Market companies, it doesn’t need to hold them back from embracing new technologies as there are efficient methods and techniques to bring all of these data pools and systems together.