Business Innovation Event and Summer Party
- 02/07/2015
Our Business Innovation event attracted professionals from across the Market - not only did we have a packed out auditorium for our afternoon event, but our Summer Party on the Roof Terrace at 99 Bishopsgate proved very popular with over 150 people attending.
We saw a glimpse into our digital future with an informative overview of Windows 10, as well as demonstrations of new mobile technologies looking to reshape the traditional workspace, a helicopter view of the changing digital workspace, a look at the explosion and power of data and how this could create new revenue streams, as well as an eye opening talk on the future for cyber currencies in our Market.
During the afternoon we heard from David Weeks of Microsoft who gave an overview of their product strategy and functionality of the new operating system Windows 10.
We had three informative workshops from Bernard Cassidy and Milan Lakhani from Konica Minolta, Justin Mullen and Paul Headey from Datalytyx, and Andrew Bullpitt from Lenovo followed by an outstanding lecture by Dr Phil Godsiff from the University of Surrey about the rapidly expanding world of cyber currencies such as the Bitcoin, it's likely impact on EC3 both from a currency trading perspective and the risks to the current insurance operating model that we know and love.
The event was concluded with a champagne reception at the LMForums Summer Party on the roof terrace of 99 Bishopsgate, where members and guests were welcomed by fantastic views, amazing weather, canapés and free flowing drinks. All in all a great event.
We've got lots more planned so join the club today free
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