Customer Experience Practice Group


We are delighted to announce the formation of a new Senior Level Practice Group to add to the popular LMForums Practice Group Series. Our new Customer Experience Practice Group will bring together senior professionals from the insurance market with an interest in this important and fascinating topic. The Group will meet quarterly and comprise a maximum of 20 market professionals. We are grateful to Netcall for agreeing to support this new cross Market Group. Customer experience and looking at ways to improve it within origanisations has been a key theme coming through at many of our Practice Groups over the last 12 months, so it made perfect sense to create a Group dedicated to specifically to this area.

The first meeting will discuss the impact that the pandemic has had on our customer service/experience capability, how we’ve responded as an industry and as individual companies and we’ll also explore, with commentary from those outside the industry, how CX initiatives not only make happier customers, but also reduce cost from a business by removing friction from the process.

If you have an interest in this area and would like to be part of this new Practice Group, then do register today - we hope to see you on 8th October. To qualify for a place on any of our Practice Groups, you must be employed by an insurer, broker, Lloyd’s of London or an insurance trade association.

Benefits of Attending

  • Participate in a focused and interactive EC3 roundtable - designed for you by people with decades of London Market experience
  • Hear from expert speakers and leading market Peers
  • Contribute to the interactive roundtable discussion
  • Learn what others are doing and what they think
  • Network with your market Peers through through our Live chat facility

Despite the pandemic and the Market working from home, we are still creating great content and generating networking opportunities.

Every year, LMForums has brought thousands of insurance professionals together in the UK to discuss, debate and collaborate on topics of mutual interest in the community. During this period of extended remote working for many of us, we have converted these valuable sessions into virtual events. Bringing groups of experienced and like minded people together has proven to be extremely beneficial for both individuals and their companies. You don’t need to be a Member of LMForums to join in, but you are welcome to join - it’s free for all insurance professionals, globally.

Join us on 8th and be part of a unique gathering. We have great guest speakers and lots of time for an open roundtable debate. Places at all LMForums events go quickly, so reserve your space around the table today.

Customer Experience Practice Group



Date and Time

8th October 2020

Upcoming Events