
All LMF events are Free to Access
LMF Generative Ai Insurance Market Working Group
Following a lengthy period of consultation with Members of the Group and with Cognizant, we've been able to set the agenda for the Group meetings for this year, plus also agree that we'll hold mini lunchtime sessions in between the main session. This group comprises of 12 places. Due to personnel changes, we sometimes have an opportunity for new practitioners to join in, so if this is of interest, contact us today at
At this next session on 15th May, we'll be focusing on Pillar One - Regulatory and also covering some aspects of Pillar Three - Service Delivery. There are 5 pillars to cover. Cognizant have lined up some amazing commentators and we'll be able to release details shortly. As normal, there'll be a blend of learning, networking, sharing stories and collaborative discussion.
LMF's new Market Working Group, helping senior Market practitioners learn more about this fast paced and transformative technology
Now in our tenth year of bringing insurance professionals together, following consultation with our Practitioner Members across EC3 and beyond, we are delighted to announce the formation of a new Group type, the LMF Working Group.
A new Market Group for changing times
This new kind of LMF community group will supplement the success and popular Practice Group series, as well as our portfolio of well attended summits and social events. The first Working Group to be formed will be our Generative Ai Group, kindly supported by global firm, Cognizant.
We are living through an era of extremely fast technological change and Artificial Intelligence is starting to make an impact, although we are at the very start of that journey. During a recent LMF Technology Summit, 60% of Market companies in EC3 said they were working on Gen Ai projects or would be over the next 12 months. These firms are all experimenting with this progressive technology in differing areas of the business, so it seemed most appropriate to launch our first Working Group with a focus on Gen Ai, helping our community understand this important technology and seek to collectively develop some guidelines to help the Market with knowledge acquisition and implementation “best practice”.
Each Working Group will consist of about 12 Market professionals, from a diverse range of Market carriers, brokers, MGA’s, Lloyd’s and Market Trade Associations. LMF is proud of its independent and inclusive status, operating on a “Not for Profit” and “Free to Access” basis. All LMF session are of an educational nature and assist in the professional development of those who take part, from those starting their careers, through to company executives.
Each Working Groups will only be formed where there is a clear business benefit. They will last for about 90-120 minutes and meet up to four times during a 12 month period. The key deliverable, in addition to the learning and networking opportunities, will be production of materials that will assist those individuals, their companies and ultimately the wider London Market, in more successful outcomes, better customer service and a more attractive London Marketplace.
The Benefits
- Be at the heart of a thought leadership discussion on the topic of Generative Ai and it’s application in the insurance sector, surrounded by your Market peers in an interactive setting.
- Meet others who are embarking on similar journey. Learn from them and share your thoughts, aspirations and concerns.
- Be part of a cross community Group, lead by one of the Market’s most respected independent community groups.
- Take the knowledge back to your company, helping to inform colleagues and the direction and success of your own projects.
- Use the Group to sense test and even collectively progress projects and programmes of common interest.
- Learn from guest speakers, who will share some of the best domain expertise in the space
- Contribute towards a set of guidelines that can be used by your firm and others, helping to create a “best practice” for the implementation of Generative Ai in the London Insurance Market and beyond
- Use the group as channel to educate and inform others in the industry, especially some of the younger talent in our sector.
- Feel that your are contributing to this fast evolving and exciting area of technology development.
This is an exciting opportunity to be at the heart of one of the most talked about but probably least understood areas of business transformation. Do join in today and learn from the experts and each other, as we ultimately aim to produce something meaningful for use within your firm and then eventually the wider Market.
All LMF events are "free to access" and only open to employees of carriers, brokers, Lloyd's, MGA's and those from one of the Market Trade Associations.