
Some firms are seeing a shift from customer experience silos to Total Experience (TX) – customer, user, employee - is this something you are seeing and how important is TX to your organisation?
The rise in "self-service” in B2B and B2C means that many businesses need to create/re-engineer totally new processes to deliver customer excellence via digital channels – but these also need to fit with legacy processes and technologies - is this a barrier to delivering the optimal customer experience and if so, how do we overcome these problems?
AI combined with big data will transform how businesses meet customer expectations - we’ll look at the importance of data in delivering what our customers and business partners expect
We’ll hear from senior Market professionals, along with external experts and contributors. We’ll enjoy an interactive exchange between members and live polling too.
We are grateful to Netcall for agreeing to support this new cross Market Group. Customer experience and looking at ways to improve it within origanisations has been a key theme coming through at many of our Practice Groups over the last 12 months, so it made perfect sense to create a Group dedicated to specifically to this area.
Despite the pandemic and the Market working from home, we are still creating great content and generating networking opportunities.
Every year, LMForums has brought thousands of insurance professionals together in the UK to discuss, debate and collaborate on topics of mutual interest in the community. During this period of extended remote working for many of us, we have converted these valuable sessions into virtual events. Bringing groups of experienced and like minded people together has proven to be extremely beneficial for both individuals and their companies. You don’t need to be a Member of LMForums to join in, but you are welcome to join - it’s free for all insurance professionals, globally.
Join us and be part of a unique gathering. We have great guest speakers and lots of time for an open roundtable debate. Places at all LMForums events go quickly, so reserve your space around the table today.