
We’ve lined up a really good session for members of the Reinsurance Practice Group on 20th July. This is the last Market event of LMF before we take our Summer break (from events - although the planning for the big Autumn programme will be going on in the background - so stay tuned).
The session this quarter will have two components:
Our Open Roundtable
We’ll look at the current state of the reinsurance market and discuss, inter alia:
- Market capacity and rates
- Catastrophe Risk and Claims
- People & Resourcing
- Merger & Acquisition
- Run-off and Portfolio Transfer
Headlines in the press:
- Run-off sector braced for growth as insurers tackle legacy challenges
- Hiscox & Enstar strike $520m of portfolio transfer of reserves
- Darag agrees on loss portfolio transfer of $250m of reserves
These are just a few of the examples we’re seeing in the Marketplace of carriers deciding to offload existing books to focus on new business activity, with a subsequent growth, backed by external capital, in the run-off marketplace. I’m delighted to say that we’re joined at this Practice Group by Rob Margett’s, Head of Lloyd’s at Compre - one of the London Market firms very much at the heart of the run-off scene. Rob will be providing us with his personal insight into the Lloyd’s legacy market and how it interacts with the live market. He will also then assess some key market trends and their potential implications as well as discussing some common misconceptions with regard to the legacy market. We will then think about some future market developments and what these might mean in future years. Rob brings a wealth of experience to the table and will be there to answer any questions you might have on the topic.
We do hope you can make it, but if for some reason you cannot, please do pass this invitation on to a member of your team. As we are holding this session “virtually” we are not currently restricted on numbers, although we do prefer a smaller more interactive group - something LMF has become known for.
Join us on 20th JUly for the next Reinsurance Practice Group commencing at 2;00pm. As usual there will be a cross section of the broking, underwriting and Lloyd's community attending. We value your participation.