All LMF events are Free to Access
During our popular quarterly Cyber community market breakfast gathering we'll be joined by Iain Johnston, MD of Blackwired, a Corporate member of LMF, will talk about the opportunities for improving objective assessment in cyber underwriting, in an ever changing landscape. Iain will lead an open discussion on the opportunities for underwriting and broking.
We will also welcome Simon Newman, the CEO of the new Cyber Resilience Centre for London. This Police Led organisation, works in partnership with the Mayor’s Office for Policing and Crime. The CRC for London is part of a network of 9 Regional Centres across the country whose role is to support small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs) and third sector organisations reduce their vulnerability to cybercrime. Simon, who has been a regular and welcomed face at LMF for some years, in his former role as heading up the PCPI, will brief members of the Practice Group on some of the important crime prevention projects they are working on.
Spaces are limited, at this sit down breakfast event, so reserve your place today and be part of the discussion. The Group is typically attended by those involved in cyber underwriting and broking.
As usual with LMF events, there is no charge for attendance for Market practitioners.
There’s never been a more important time to stay connected. We look forward to seeing you there!